Saturday, July 31, 2010

Project 7-1: Use Rainbow Tables

In this Practical I learn how Rainbow Tables is more effective then the two other methods of cracking a password(brute force & dictionary attack).

Firstly, go to
and save the file.

Next Install the file and when ask to install the selected components as shown in the diagram below
Select "Download and Install free Vista tables (461mb)"

Next open up ophcrack

Now go to
and scroll down till
"XP Special Demo"

I typed 12345 into the password box and should see

Password: 12345
Hash: aebd4de384c7ec43aad3b435b51404ee:7a21990fcd3d759941e45c490f143d5f

In Ophcrack
Click "Load" and select "Single Hash"
Paste the Hash generated in the box as shown as the diagram below

Once set, press Crack and wait for it to crack the password!

Once Cracked, the password would display in the "NT Pwd" field as shown below in the diagram

Now, try to generate longer passwords and with a mixture of numbers and alphabets and see how long Ophcrack takes to crack it

I used a pass "bad624" and it took me 1m 15sec to crack the password
This shows that the longer the length of the password, the longer time needed to crack the password.

Posted by LoNeLyXx at 11:10 AM