Saturday, August 28, 2010

Project 11-3: Using TrueCrypt

What is TrueCrypt?

TrueCrypt is an alternative to EFS, a third party application which is also used to protect files with cryptography.

How to use TrueCrypt?
  1. Download TrueCrypt Installation file by clicking here
  2. click "Download" under "Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000" and save the file.
  3. Install the installation file and Launch TrueCrypt once complete.
  4. click "Create Volume Button".
  5. Select "Create a file container" and click "Next"
  6. Select "Standard TrueCrypt volume" and click "Next"
  7. Click on "Select File..." and type in "TrueCrypt Encrypted Volume" under file name
  8. Click "Save" and click "Next"
  9. Make sure "AES" is selected in "Encryption Algorithm" and click "Next"
  10. Key in "1" and make sure "MB" is selected, click "Next"
  11. Key in a Strong Password and click " Next"
  12. Move your mouse in the box for about 30 seconds as randomly as possible
  13. Click "Format"
  14. Click "Ok" and followed by "Exit"
  15. In "Volume", Click "Select File ..." and select "TrueCrypt Encrypted Volume" which you created.
  16. Click on a drive letter above and click on "Mount" at the bottom left.
  17. Key in the password
  18. Once done, it would be mounted on the computer like a normal flash drive.
  19. open "Encrypted.docx" in the previous project and save it in the mounted drive.
  20. open the saved file and it should take a longer time to load as two decryptions are taking place. (EFS & TrueCrypt)
Reflection on Project 11-3:
If given a choice between EFS & TrueCrypt, I would select TrueCrypt as it provides me with more features and most importantly it is portable. By using just a single strong password, I am able to create a file which is highly encrypted and when i want to gain access, I would only need to provide the password. It is also able to encrypt a flashdrive and its contents are automatically encrypted when a file is stored in it and secured with a strong password.

On the other hand, EFS encrypts only on the system itself and saves a identity of the user. And only with this identity tag, I am able to gain access to the files. I may accidentally lose this identity tag if it was stored in a flash drive.

Therefore I would choose TrueCrypt over EFS.

Posted by LoNeLyXx at 1:14 AM